Bikavér - 3 Things to know about the legendary Hungarian red wine
Most people who do not know much about Hungarian wines, will have come across at least two things: the sticky sweet Tokaji wines and the red wine cuveé with the evocative name Bulls Blood.
The Name
Bulls Blood translates to ‘Bikavér‘ in Hungarian which is pronounced: bik-ah-vair. There are many different stories explaining the origin of the name the most popular being to link the name to the Ottoman siege of the castle of Eger in 1552. The legend has it that 2,000 men, women and children defended the castle against the onslaught of 30,000-40,000 Turks. The defeated Turks were convinced that the defendants must have been drinking Bulls Blood to have such a strength to defend the castle despite being outnumbered by far. As fascinating as it sounds, the legend is unlikely to be true as Hungary was largely a white wine-producing country at that time. But hey, who are we to let facts get in the way of a good story!
2. The Wine
Hungary’s most renowned blended red wine is made with at least 3 grape varietals and aged in wooden barrels for at least 6 months. The blend focusses on bringing out the unique flavor characteristics of the terroir or vineyard in instead of the flavors of an individual grape variety. The wines are usually full-bodied, aromatic, spicy and dry.
The main grape variety used is Kékfrankos, completed by Bíbor Kadarka, Blauburger, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Kadarka, Kékoportó, Menoire, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Turán, Zweigelt.
3. The Production
The Egri Bikavér was mass-produced during Communism times, crushing the reputation of this cuveé. But since the early 1990s many small wineries have worked tirelessly to re-establish the high quality and reputation of this wonderful blend. The adoption of the Bikavér code also helped by defining production standards, used grape varietals and proportions as well as aging times.
Bulls Blood can today only be produced in two wine regions: in Eger in the Eastern part of Hungary and in Szekszárd in the South. Both regions produce very distinct wines that clearly carry the characteristics of the local areas: generally smooth and elegant in the cooler climate Northern region of Eger and mostly warmer and richer in the warmer climate of the Szekszárd region.
We are very happy to have wineries both from the Eger and the Szekszárd region in our portfolio producing Bikavér: these are St. Andrea and Tóth Ferenc in Eger and Takler Winery in Szekszárd. Indeed it can be a very exciting tasting exercise to taste Bulls Blood from both regions next to each other.
Did you know?
The Bikavér has a little sister in Eger, the Egri Csillag. The Hungarian word “Csillag” means star and is also the name of the historic novel about Eger and the region by Géza Gárdonyi. It is a blend of at least four primarily Carpathian Basin grape varieties, incl. Leányka, Kiralyleanyka, Olaszrizling, Viognier, Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Szürkerbarat und Tramini. There are many possible directions winemakers can go with this wine, but generally it should be fruity and floral, but not too aromatic, with no single variety dominating.